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[E] Admiral_Rosene
[E] Admiral_Rosene
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over 10 years ago
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(Ahem. Uh i hope i posted this in the right tab thing...) So, a lowly peasant such as yourself might be wondering, "What is going on in the Roleplay City of Cappuccino?!". Worry not, for the Great and Auspicious Admiral (me) will attempt to enlighten that small mind of yours. Be grateful as I am wasting my precious time on this for your sake. But before we get into the current News, lets reflect on the past and see just how far we have come as a city. I am proud to announce that recently (Like yesterday), Cappucino's main road, The Kafuu Street, had been completed. Like, Woah! Who saw this coming?! Also please disregard Shimakaze (Magic_Devile) From photo bombing the 2nd one thx. However, while prosperous we at Cappuccino may appear, we do have our own fair share of inner conflict among ourselves. Okay now that last one is just dirty. Forcing someone into a corner underwater while slapping them relentlessly with a diamond sword until they die... brutal... cold-blooded... ruthless... I like it. Shout out to my girl Violet (Slaying_Coolgirl)! Beat that Shimakaze up for photo bombing me! Also shout to my boi Mechhalo! Makin it rain down by the exp grinder with dat redstone business. (Redstone, ill never understand it) And shout out to my boi Joefu3, being a pal and keeping the streets of Cappu clean from mobs and litter. Moving on, in terms of becoming an actual (acknowledged by the server) city, we have begun to create a (small) rule board and news board inside the town hall so that we can soon fit the requirements for a warp. It has all of our current and future projects as well as some other useful things to know about our cit- MY city. (Disclaimer: Information found on said board is subject to change and may or may not be true to begin with). Last and most certainly least... I guess I should write something about kidicarus97 in here, huh... Well... hes got a shop up. You can check it out... I guess... its alright I suppose.... but just "alright". Anyways, that was our little Cappu update. I'll see you all on the server. (Dont forget to salute and or bow down to me.) -Admiral
over 10 years ago